Get in touch
55 Commerce Valley Dr W, Unit 502, Thornhill, ON L3T 7V9

Who we Serve

At Intentional Retirement Planning, we are committed to helping individuals embrace their retirement years through informed and effective financial decisions.

We do our best work  for Canadians who:

Stand at the Threshold of Retirement

If you're planning to retire within the next  ten years or have already embarked on your retirement journey, our expertise will  help ensure that your financial goals are in line with what life after work requires  from you. 

Crave a Simplicity Switch

Faced with the complex task of turning your retirement savings into a stable, lifelong income? We are here to help you navigate the confusing array of choices for retirement income products, setting the stage for simplicity and predictability.

Prioritize Purpose Over Possessions

If your quest is to foster joy by intertwining your financial resources with your personal mission, we are your ideal partner. We believe money serves a greater purpose, and we are passionate about making that connection for you.

Seek a Worry-Free Existence

Tired of financial concerns overshadowing your  dream retirement life? Let us handle the financial intricacies so you can bask in the everyday delight of living your best life - without the worry of your money. 

Aspire to Leave a Lasting Legacy

Dreaming of leaving a footprint that transcends your lifetime? We're here to help you carve a meaningful legacy, one financial  decision at a time. 

Let us help you translate your aspirations into action and transform your retirement  journey into a fulfilling and purposeful adventure.

At Intentional Retirement Planning, we believe in making money meaningful.

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